Saturday, March 29, 2014

Let's talk about Ex, Baby

I have been dreading today for a while now. Why would I be dreading a beautiful Spring Saturday, is what most would probably ask. Well, today I had to take Shortpants to meet his dad for a day-long visit. When I found out they were for sure going to be here, I looked a lot like this guy:

You have cat to be kitten me right meow.

Ex is married. I like her a lot more than I tolerate him. You see, our marriage ended less than smoothly, and while I will be civil - wait, I'm actually quite nice, I'm still angry. And hurt. And all ragey against the machiney sometimes. But his wife has shown me that she is level-headed, and I think we have connected as moms. 

I'm pretty certain this guy nailed how I look most times I think about Shorty's dad. I'M TRYING. Honest.

And when I get mad? I cry. Like a little bitch. AND IT MAKES ME MORE MAD AND THEN I CRY MORE. It really is a vicious cycle. And when I cry do I look like every other normal woman on the planet? Oh hellz naw - I uuuuuuuuuuuugly cry. 

If you took this face:

And put it on this face:

WOW, right?

Plus some red-rimmed eyes and some rivulets of mascara (that is SUPPOSED to be waterproof - thank you SO much, brand name withheld!), that's my ugly cry face.

Aren't you glad you know now? So you can avoid at all costs? Hey, at least I don't snot all over the place. You're welcome.

Oh. I digressed. A scosh. My bad.

Back to today - I had planned a day with one of my oldest friends; some yoga, some coffee, some lunch, some Marshall-ing (Love me some Marshalls deals. I didn't get paid to say that, but I'd sure like some free stuff... *cough*). We also watched Empire Records. HAPPY REX MANNING DAY! (And they say I don't have ADHD. Puh-leeze.)

I tried my best to keep my mind off Shortpants and my mind on fun, and I really did have a good day. And so did he. Even though he was up since 3 last night, napped for maybe 30 minutes in the car, didn't want to get out of the swings (I told him so! *oh no she didunt - YES I JUST DID) - the day went pretty darned well. 

Oh, alright. Time to fess up. See, Shortpants hasn't seen his dad for more than 30 minutes since Thanksgiving 2012, thanks to the Army and (what I like to call) choice. Meaning, he had opportunities to visit and didn't. Water under the bridge. (Or I'll drive myself certifiably loony.) Also meaning - he hasn't had Shorty by himself for more than a few minutes. Since he was born. I was in full-blown Mama Bear mode. This whole week consisted of fighting panic attacks, night sweats, not being able to eat, then eating my weight in Taco Bell. It was ugly.

And today? It went better than I could have imagined. Shortpants has been asleep since about 6:30, which bums me out a little, because with my work schedule I only really get to spend good time with him on the weekends, but we have all day tomorrow.

Am I friends with my ex-husband? Hardly. But I like to consider myself a good person, to do what is really right, and try (it's SO hard) to not make it be about me, but about what's best for Shortpants. And yes, when my boy ran into my arms when I picked him up, I may have done a neener neener neener and made this face: 
Exactly what this French Ken-ig-ut just said!

on the inside, where it belongs. <insert "being a grown-up sucks" whine here>

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